Is it legal to carry pepper spray or a tazer for your protection in a rig?
It may be "legal", but it's probably against every companies policy..this question has been asked and answered here many times over..trucking is not an inherently dangerous profession, but one should never take your safety for granted. Use common sense and keep aware of your surroundings at all times and you should never need mace or pepper spray.
I second Guy's advice. If you take precautions to prevent problems before they happen, you won't need to worry about using violence to protect yourself. That said, if you get "creative" enough about your methods of self defense, you don't need to worry about what's legal and what isn't. For example, I carry a can of wasp spray in my car. Those things shoot 20+ feet and I don't care how big and bad you are -- a face full of poison is gonna slow you down. And it isn't illegal to have it in your truck. :P
Here's a thread from a week or two ago in which this same subject was discussed. There's some pretty good advice in there:
Thanks, your right there is some good advice on that thread sorry I will be sure to check out the other threads before asking a question. Thank you both :)
Amanda...don't feel bad about asking a question that has been answered in another thread......The past threads are great cuz they have ALOT of info in them. but unless you are familiar with navigating this site, those threads can be hard to find. So ask any question you want. If we can find you a thread, great, but if we just answer your question,cuz we can't find a thread, or don't know how to look (that would be me)then thats great too. Its always good to be reminded of stuff, and along with you, there are ALOT of newbies lurking here, or jst signed on, and they will have alot of the same questions you have. keeps us older drivers up to date on information.....and out typing
A good alternative to pepper spray or a tazer is a tire thumper. Use it to check your tires daily and if someone tries something funny with you, you can just "check" his tires.
Yep, like Starcar said, there's no need to apologize for asking a question. I just linked that other thread so you could benefit from the info in there. :)
I just don't want to annoy yall with a question that been asked a number of times so I will do my best to try not to repeat a question.
Amanda...ya gotta EARN the right to annoy the folks on here....And theres only a couple of us that have lived long enough to get that title !!!
Glad to know im not a pest then !?!
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Is it legal to carry pepper spray or a tazer for your protection in a rig?