Hello All, It is mentioned here at TruckingTruth (this should be the answer to my question).. to not hold back any information on a trucking company's application.
In 2002 I was convicted of a shoplifting misdemeanor, and did community service for 8 weeks.
On these trucking applications I SHOULD check the square that I DO have this on my record, no how far back it is?
Would really hope this will not stand in my way of being hired.
Thanks for you help. Deb
They will find it! They go back as far as you have have a record, no joke. If the courts haven't Sealed it or Expunged it than they will find it and ask about it. Theft and Intoxication are two things this industry will not tolerate and Drugs. Sorry!
I would put it on there only if they want that information from the past 12 years or more, if they only want felony stuff from the past 10 years or sooner I wouldn't check the box, I recently took a resume class at the county employment office and the instructor said if they they want misdemeanor information from the past 10 years then only give/tell them about that if it was within the past 10 years. If they put a time frame on it then they only care about that time frame. If they don't say a specif time frame I would click the box to be upfront about it.
Yes, be honest. It will show up.
Dustyn nailed it. Answer the questions honestly but do not volunteer any information they did not ask for. If they ask about the past 10 years then you did nothing wrong. If they ask about "in your lifetime" then you have to answer yes because they will indeed find it.
You might consider trying to get that expunged from your record. I don't know the technicalities of it, but somehow you can convince the courts that it's preventing you from getting a job today and it shouldn't because of the age and relative benign nature of the incident.
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Hello All, It is mentioned here at TruckingTruth (this should be the answer to my question).. to not hold back any information on a trucking company's application.
In 2002 I was convicted of a shoplifting misdemeanor, and did community service for 8 weeks.
On these trucking applications I SHOULD check the square that I DO have this on my record, no how far back it is?
Would really hope this will not stand in my way of being hired.
Thanks for you help. Deb