Its not as easy as it looks, in school I do the yard skills to a T, yesterday I second guessed myself, and pointED out, I left the truck in the position & my instructor went in the truck gave it a hard left and put it right in the box....uggh I'm so ****ed!.. any truckers in the Marietta area?..
Linda I am sorry to hear you had trouble with the alley dock. My school did not think I could do the backing and didn't want me to test, yet when I tested I got no points and passed everything. My point is that backing is difficult and you had a bad day. When can you retest again? I am in Ohio so can't be of help in GA, but know that I am rooting for you!!!!!
Jolie Unfortunately I won't be able top test again until Dec 2nd..
Jolie Unfortunately I won't be able to test again until Dec 2nd..
I passed pre-trip inspection. That's the good news. I didn't pass lane-change. It was for some reason, the hardest one for me, and this morning I was the first person called to test (at like 7:30 in the morning) and my body felt like extra-thick jello or something! I think it was all that time yesterday in the wind & rain on the concrete training pad, waiting turns to practice the backing maneuvers. But, I'm not the first, won't be the last, and will go back next week to try again. With the pre-trip off my plate, I'm a little bit happier, but not as happy as I will be with that CDL in my hot little hand! --Peace Be With You! --Angi M.
A pre-trip inspection is a thorough inspection of the truck completed before driving for the first time each day.
Federal and state laws require that drivers inspect their vehicles. Federal and state inspectors also may inspect your vehicles. If they judge a vehicle to be unsafe, they will put it “out of service” until it is repaired.
A CDL is required to drive any of the following vehicles:
Jolie Unfortunately I won't be able to test again until Dec 2nd..
Will you have the opportunity to be behind the wheel and practice? I have only been out of a truck for a week and I am hoping I haven't forgotten everything....
I keep going over the steps to backing in my mind so hopefully I will remember how to do it again. I know that eventually I won't have to think about it so hard, but right now I do! Let me know how things go because I really can relate!
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Its not as easy as it looks, in school I do the yard skills to a T, yesterday I second guessed myself, and pointED out, I left the truck in the position & my instructor went in the truck gave it a hard left and put it right in the box....uggh I'm so ****ed!.. any truckers in the Marietta area?..