California Permit Test Tips??

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Dondi M.'s Comment
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Hello all.

I first like to thank you guys for the responses in my first thread. This website is an awesome resource.

I was just wondering if you guys had any tips on the CDL-A written test for California? I'd like to get my permit before I go to Prime on December 1st. I know an obvious one is study, study again, and study some more. I've had my nose in the book for the last two weeks and read it over a couple of times.

Any tips on selecting the right answer in case I run into something I missed?

Any sections of a test you had trouble with?

Ect. ect.

I will take any good tips from anybody with experience. I need to pass this test as it is $70 fee and I don't want to fail to end up paying another $50 to take Missouri's CDL test again. My recruiting reccommended I get the permit before I go, I guess it helps streamline the process. Money is very tight switching careers, I currently work in the grocery industry. I want to go into this career being as prepared as I can be before I start the real driving.

I have a little experience driving a semi. Don't tell nobody, but my step dad used to let me drive his rig with no trailer on secluded roadways deep in the Mojave, my first time being 14 years old, Yikes! I wouldn't recommend letting your son drive your rig, even though I did fine.


Commercial Driver's License (CDL)

A CDL is required to drive any of the following vehicles:

  • Any combination of vehicles with a gross combined weight rating (GCWR) of 26,001 or more pounds, providing the gross vehicle weight rating (GVWR) of the vehicle being towed is in excess of 10,000 pounds.
  • Any single vehicle with a GVWR of 26,001 or more pounds, or any such vehicle towing another not in excess of 10,000 pounds.
  • Any vehicle, regardless of size, designed to transport 16 or more persons, including the driver.
  • Any vehicle required by federal regulations to be placarded while transporting hazardous materials.
Old School's Comment
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Dondi, welcome to Trucking Truth!

The best tip I can give is to forget your state's manual and work your way through the High Road Training Program. You'll join the thousands of others who have aced their permit tests due to this "power house", "ace in the hole" study guide. Seriously, the High Road will take you where you want to go. '


Commercial Driver's License (CDL)

A CDL is required to drive any of the following vehicles:

  • Any combination of vehicles with a gross combined weight rating (GCWR) of 26,001 or more pounds, providing the gross vehicle weight rating (GVWR) of the vehicle being towed is in excess of 10,000 pounds.
  • Any single vehicle with a GVWR of 26,001 or more pounds, or any such vehicle towing another not in excess of 10,000 pounds.
  • Any vehicle, regardless of size, designed to transport 16 or more persons, including the driver.
  • Any vehicle required by federal regulations to be placarded while transporting hazardous materials.
Dondi M.'s Comment
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Aha! Thank you!

I read about High Road Training Program, but my stubborn self never looked into it. Greatly appreciated!

How long would you say it takes to complete? I plan on taking the test Wednesday.

Dondi M.'s Comment
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Any tips on how to mentally prepare myself before tests? Caffeine makes the mind sharp, mints help you think, anything else along those lines?


Hours Of Service

HOS refers to the logbook hours of service regulations.
Old School's Comment
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Well, I had a friend in college (Geez, that was a long time ago) who claimed if he smoked weed while he was studying, and then smoked it again just before he took the test, then everything would come back to him real clear! Not recommending his method though.

Dondi, it takes some time to get through this study guide, you need to start right away. The major parts you need to cover for your permit are:

Rules and Regulations

Driving Safely

Transporting Cargo Safely

Air Brakes

Combination Vehicles

Pre-Trip Inspection

Driving Exam

This program is designed to help you learn through repetition, and it works really well. Don't guess at the answers or you will be screwed. Each time it asks you a question it shows you where to find the answer, look at it and then answer the question. You're not cheating - that is how the system is designed to help you learn. It will automatically review you and throw in random questions on the areas that you are demonstrating a weakness in. That is why you don't want to guess - once the system senses that you don't really get something it will lock you out from any further progress until you can demonstrate an understanding of the parts you were messing up on. Make sure and click on all the little purple question marks you see - there is a lot of helpful information in those links.

Good luck, pour yourself a tall cup of coffee and get started man, you are already behind schedule!

Pre-trip Inspection:

A pre-trip inspection is a thorough inspection of the truck completed before driving for the first time each day.

Federal and state laws require that drivers inspect their vehicles. Federal and state inspectors also may inspect your vehicles. If they judge a vehicle to be unsafe, they will put it “out of service” until it is repaired.

Combination Vehicle:

A vehicle with two separate parts - the power unit (tractor) and the trailer. Tractor-trailers are considered combination vehicles.


Hours Of Service

HOS refers to the logbook hours of service regulations.
Dondi M.'s Comment
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My brain is a sponge, I will get this.

Never be afraid to fail, but failure is NOT an option.

Daniel B.'s Comment
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I got my CDL in CA and have done all the tests twice separately. Once when I was getting my license and then a year later when I was getting Hazmat.

Do all the endorsements except passenger. Tanker is super easy, you'll breeze right through that. The most troible I had was with Doubles & Triples but I didn't study that section as well as I should have.

I never even opened the CA manual and I passed all the tests on the first try - twice. As OS said, study High Road Training Program and you'll be perfectly fine. It will make it all a piece of cake.


Commercial Driver's License (CDL)

A CDL is required to drive any of the following vehicles:

  • Any combination of vehicles with a gross combined weight rating (GCWR) of 26,001 or more pounds, providing the gross vehicle weight rating (GVWR) of the vehicle being towed is in excess of 10,000 pounds.
  • Any single vehicle with a GVWR of 26,001 or more pounds, or any such vehicle towing another not in excess of 10,000 pounds.
  • Any vehicle, regardless of size, designed to transport 16 or more persons, including the driver.
  • Any vehicle required by federal regulations to be placarded while transporting hazardous materials.


Hazardous Materials

Explosive, flammable, poisonous or otherwise potentially dangerous cargo. Large amounts of especially hazardous cargo are required to be placarded under HAZMAT regulations


Refers to pulling two trailers at the same time, otherwise known as "pups" or "pup trailers" because they're only about 28 feet long. However there are some states that allow doubles that are each 48 feet in length.


Transportation Worker Identification Credential

Truck drivers who regularly pick up from or deliver to the shipping ports will often be required to carry a TWIC card.

Your TWIC is a tamper-resistant biometric card which acts as both your identification in secure areas, as well as an indicator of you having passed the necessary security clearance. TWIC cards are valid for five years. The issuance of TWIC cards is overseen by the Transportation Security Administration and the Department of Homeland Security.

MRC's Comment
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Hey Dondi, Daniel is whom you should talk to on bikes, he has a large tag on itgood-luck.gif

Dondi M.'s Comment
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I've been doing the High Roads for about an hour, and I definitely learning WAYYY more than by just reading the CDL handbook, and I'm gaining confidence.dancing-banana.gif

I talked to my recruiter about the program, she said she had a few of her recruits say nothing but good things about it and this website.


Commercial Driver's License (CDL)

A CDL is required to drive any of the following vehicles:

  • Any combination of vehicles with a gross combined weight rating (GCWR) of 26,001 or more pounds, providing the gross vehicle weight rating (GVWR) of the vehicle being towed is in excess of 10,000 pounds.
  • Any single vehicle with a GVWR of 26,001 or more pounds, or any such vehicle towing another not in excess of 10,000 pounds.
  • Any vehicle, regardless of size, designed to transport 16 or more persons, including the driver.
  • Any vehicle required by federal regulations to be placarded while transporting hazardous materials.
Dondi M.'s Comment
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Back to the studies......!

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