I have prescription sunglasses with brown polarized lenses. I've had green lenses in the past, prefer the brown. Polarized lenses cut glare more than anything else I've tried, no matter the color.
What about night-headlights?
I have prescription sunglasses that are gray tint. They gray tones down the colors and the glares during day time driving. Dark enough to wear in sunny weather but light enough to still see when I go inside of a building.
Always hated the brown ones. They turn stuff orange.
Does anyone know of a type of glasses that will cut glare, but not affect colors (at least not a lot)? I really dislike sunglasses, but figure I should use something to eliminate eye fatigue.
I don't know if there's such a thing, but I can tell you for over 10 years I've used Polarized sunglasses for driving (previous life was local delivery driver) and lots of outdoor stuff (I live in Florida). My favorites are wrap around Spyders which you can sometimes find in the fishing section of Walmart for about $15. There are other brands just as good. I got these after blowing $36 on "fishing" sunglasses that had the same features.
Also, many fishing guys swear by a brand that sounds suspiciously like Costs a Lot More. Those...well, never mind. I hope this helps.
Operating While Intoxicated
I am just wondering what is your pick for glasses or visor even? I know that sunlight on the windshield can blind you, as can headlights at night with all the varying bulbs out there, rain etc. Another is winter driving, whiteout? what is your best choice for seeing? And I know some one is going to say "pull over in a whiteout" I mean/ meant, it's white out! Thanks All, just haven't seen it asked.
I have designed glare shields for truck drivers to use on the cab's door windows so when the bright lights hits the mirrors, powerful headlights are reduced when they pass through the tinted glare shields on both door glasses. Great for sunlight in the door windows. Tough enough to clear ice/snow off any glass too. I have a YouTube video about them.
I use the blue Nemesis safety glasses. These have been the best against glare. They are wrap around. They are also VERY cheap at $5 a pair.
I still have my good ol military issue sunglasses with ballistic lenses so they work as safety glasses too at receivers that require them. At night though it can be a bear with the glare like others mentioned. I'm waiting for the day that the auto industry comes up with polarized auto glass that can tint slightly but quickly to help reduce the glare issue.
Although I haven't seen a pair for decades now, I wonder if very many folks are still rocking the Blu Blockers we used to see all the time on television commercials?
I've read where at least one company doesn't allow you to wear night time glasses. I've also read that the night time vision glasses in fact impair your vision and is bad for you.
Are they riding shotgun? Do they have a CCTV camera watching you? ........... alright then. Your methods of staying safe on the road shouldn't be micro-managed by a dimwitted airhead behind a desk who has never gotten any fifth wheel lube on his hands before!
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I agree with the hating to wear, they are either to dark or to light