Old school, enjoy your 98th birthday sir! I'm glad you're having a good time at home, I'm due for hometime in 1/2 a week.
Hey, I think I speak for everyone when I say, please do a day-to-day documentary like me and David are doing. We really want to see the flatbed side of things and how your new job is. I'll be ending mine soon so this is a perfect time for you to step in and give us one! What do you say champ?
Whoever agrees with me lets let Old School know by commenting that we would love a documentary from him. Man, just the thought of one from you is so exciting.
Enjoy your time at home Old School. I'm very happy for you! You more than deserve it.
Good to hear, home and family. Sometimes all is right with the world. I vote yes for your day to to day also!
Happy for ya man! Enjoy it while you can. Hope your next year on the road is a prosperous one.
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you and yours! That goes for all the good people on TT out there as well.
I have been on TT for a couple months now and I enjoy reading your posts every time I see one. (Not excluding anyone, a lot of people on this site have great input which I also look forward to reading.) I would definitely read your day to day thread about life on the road, if you were so inclined to start one. It does seem like a major undertaking. No pressure.
Glad to hear you got to spend a week with the family. Those deer mounts do look nice on the wall!
Good luck in 2015! Read you later!
I hope you had the best home time! I also hope your family enjoyed it as much as I'm sure you did!
Now get back on the road!!
Outstanding Old School! I am glad the new gig is working out for you. I have even been through Delhi to live load out of there a couple of months ago. I did a little planning and saved enough time (and $$$) so that I could be home Christmas Eve and not have to go back out until 5 Jan. (They actually got me home 2 days early which doesn't count against hometime!) I almost don't know what to do with myself for this long of a time off of the truck. Spent a bit of time with the eldest daughter/husband/ grandson, saw the #1 son and will visit the middle child/daughter at the New Year. Momma even seems to enjoy having me home! Don't get on here as much as I should, but Melton is keeping me busy and I am still enjoying what I am doing, immensely. I have a few more years here and then I am planning on my 4th and final career. Got plans for a nano-brewery with the wife producing artiesian cheeses. Going to kick back an enjoy the hippy life stye!
Here's to you and yours in the New Year!!!!!
Cozy looking home you have there. I'd totally take a nap on your couch.
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It is December 30th and I arrived home on the 23rd of the month - I have been home for an entire week! This is unheard of, but I am really enjoying it! I was planning on starting back to work yesterday, but I got an unexpected call from my dispatcher saying that it was a little slow this week and if I wanted I could stay home for a few more days! Well, I jumped at that chance - it is very seldom an over the road truck driver gets this much time at home, but when opportunity knocks I'm throwing the door wide open.
I really do enjoy my job, and of course I'm only getting paid when the wheels are turning, but I have thoroughly enjoyed being home with my wife and children this week. Since I am now working on a dedicated account (SAPA Aluminum) I am somewhat at the mercy of the demands of their workload. At this time of the year they are just getting back to work from their holiday break and the factory at Delhi, Louisiana is just now getting fired back up to start filling orders so there is a slight delay after the holidays before things are hot and heavy. It is one of the many benefits of this new job that I hadn't realized would be available until now. Next year I can plan more appropriately for it if I find the situation to be the same. Part of it this year was the day of the week that Christmas fell on.
I've had such a nice time at home, it was so nice stepping into my house and seeing the way my wife and daughters had it all decorated up so festively. The sights, sounds, and delicious smells of Christmas were abundant in our snug little home, but the best thing for me was just being able to relax and enjoy the comfort of being near the people I hold dear.
As you can see the house was completely decorated right down to the deer heads on the wall! We have had a very nice time together and I really hate to see it come to a halt, but halt it must. I will be gone for another month when I start rolling again, with a plan on being home for my birthday at the end of January/beginning of February. I will begin this new year with a resolve to watch my caloric intake a little closer and see what I can do about losing a little weight. I'm not excessively over weight, but as a truck driver it can creep up on you quite unawares. I've seen too many of my peers out there on the road who can barely waddle in and out of the truck stops. I refuse to let myself get like that.
Happy Holidays to all my Trucking Truth friends!
Over The Road:
Over The Road
OTR driving normally means you'll be hauling freight to various customers throughout your company's hauling region. It often entails being gone from home for two to three weeks at a time.
Substance Abuse Professional
The Substance Abuse Professional (SAP) is a person who evaluates employees who have violated a DOT drug and alcohol program regulation and makes recommendations concerning education, treatment, follow-up testing, and aftercare.
Dispatcher, Fleet Manager, Driver Manager
The primary person a driver communicates with at his/her company. A dispatcher can play many roles, depending on the company's structure. Dispatchers may assign freight, file requests for home time, relay messages between the driver and management, inform customer service of any delays, change appointment times, and report information to the load planners.OWI:
Operating While Intoxicated