I hit the button and it tells me address and how far. To much thinking. I want to hit a button, see a map of me on a road and see stops ahead of me. Any one have any recommendations? I currently have MyDAT trucker.
I use the MyPilot app, Loves app and TA App, along with Trucker Tools. Another good one is CAT Scale App and Weigh My Truck which is from CAT Scale.
They work for me, each one of the truck stop apps show's me the closest one to me and what hwy and the distance.
A network of over 1,500 certified truck scales across the U.S. and Canada found primarily at truck stops. CAT scales are by far the most trustworthy scales out there.
In fact, CAT Scale offers an unconditional Guarantee:
“If you get an overweight fine from the state after our scale showed your legal, we will immediately check our scale. If our scale is wrong, we will reimburse you for the fine. If our scale is correct, a representative of CAT Scale Company will appear in court with the driver as a witness”
I hit the button and it tells me address and how far. To much thinking. I want to hit a button, see a map of me on a road and see stops ahead of me. Any one have any recommendations? I currently have MyDAT trucker.
I use the MyPilot app, Loves app and TA App, along with Trucker Tools. Another good one is CAT Scale App and Weigh My Truck which is from CAT Scale.
They work for me, each one of the truck stop apps show's me the closest one to me and what hwy and the distance.
Dang how many app do you need? . Any room left on your phone?
A network of over 1,500 certified truck scales across the U.S. and Canada found primarily at truck stops. CAT scales are by far the most trustworthy scales out there.
In fact, CAT Scale offers an unconditional Guarantee:
“If you get an overweight fine from the state after our scale showed your legal, we will immediately check our scale. If our scale is wrong, we will reimburse you for the fine. If our scale is correct, a representative of CAT Scale Company will appear in court with the driver as a witness”
I hit the button and it tells me address and how far. To much thinking. I want to hit a button, see a map of me on a road and see stops ahead of me. Any one have any recommendations? I currently have MyDAT trucker.
I use the MyPilot app, Loves app and TA App, along with Trucker Tools. Another good one is CAT Scale App and Weigh My Truck which is from CAT Scale.
They work for me, each one of the truck stop apps show's me the closest one to me and what hwy and the distance.
Dang how many app do you need?
. Any room left on your phone?
lol oh yea, plenty of room on it. The Trucker Tools app actually does give a list of nerby truck stops, parking spots, diesel price and how far they are it also gives you a map when you select the truck stop. I use them all at one point. each one has its own use really. Like the loves app allows me to see what restaurant they have. Like subway or chesters chicken, arbys. I think the pilot one does too.
A network of over 1,500 certified truck scales across the U.S. and Canada found primarily at truck stops. CAT scales are by far the most trustworthy scales out there.
In fact, CAT Scale offers an unconditional Guarantee:
“If you get an overweight fine from the state after our scale showed your legal, we will immediately check our scale. If our scale is wrong, we will reimburse you for the fine. If our scale is correct, a representative of CAT Scale Company will appear in court with the driver as a witness”
Another great app is TruckerPath.
Another great app is TruckerPath.
Awesome. That is exactly what i was looking for. Thank you
Trucker Path lists most of the major truck stops (with info but not fuel prices), scale houses, CAT scales , and traffic. Beware...the routing is not truck specific (the program does inform you of this upfront). The truck stop specific ones (ie: Loves, P/FJ...) will show you current fuel prices, store specials, and other things.
A network of over 1,500 certified truck scales across the U.S. and Canada found primarily at truck stops. CAT scales are by far the most trustworthy scales out there.
In fact, CAT Scale offers an unconditional Guarantee:
“If you get an overweight fine from the state after our scale showed your legal, we will immediately check our scale. If our scale is wrong, we will reimburse you for the fine. If our scale is correct, a representative of CAT Scale Company will appear in court with the driver as a witness”
A network of over 1,500 certified truck scales across the U.S. and Canada found primarily at truck stops. CAT scales are by far the most trustworthy scales out there.
In fact, CAT Scale offers an unconditional Guarantee:
“If you get an overweight fine from the state after our scale showed your legal, we will immediately check our scale. If our scale is wrong, we will reimburse you for the fine. If our scale is correct, a representative of CAT Scale Company will appear in court with the driver as a witness”
Trucker Path lists most of the major truck stops (with info but not fuel prices), scale houses, CAT scales , and traffic. Beware...the routing is not truck specific (the program does inform you of this upfront). The truck stop specific ones (ie: Loves, P/FJ...) will show you current fuel prices, store specials, and other things.
Correct. I use many different apps and info sites. Thing I mostly use TruckerPath for is the weigh station updater. When you get within a mile of a weigh station it will pop up a page that you can update the current status of the station. I wish everyone would do this. Just another little thing to help drivers on the road.
A network of over 1,500 certified truck scales across the U.S. and Canada found primarily at truck stops. CAT scales are by far the most trustworthy scales out there.
In fact, CAT Scale offers an unconditional Guarantee:
“If you get an overweight fine from the state after our scale showed your legal, we will immediately check our scale. If our scale is wrong, we will reimburse you for the fine. If our scale is correct, a representative of CAT Scale Company will appear in court with the driver as a witness”
A network of over 1,500 certified truck scales across the U.S. and Canada found primarily at truck stops. CAT scales are by far the most trustworthy scales out there.
In fact, CAT Scale offers an unconditional Guarantee:
“If you get an overweight fine from the state after our scale showed your legal, we will immediately check our scale. If our scale is wrong, we will reimburse you for the fine. If our scale is correct, a representative of CAT Scale Company will appear in court with the driver as a witness”
Using the app while you are driving???
Isn't that the same thing as using your cell phone while driving? Isn't that illegal?
And unsafe to boot.
Next time you are driving by a weigh station that is open and you want to let other drivers know, make sure you let the DOT officers see you using your phone while driving.
I can't figure out the reason why you need to warn other drivers of a weigh station being open. If I am caught with a heavy load, not only will I get a ticket that the company won't pay for, I will loose my job. So, I make sure I have a legit load before I get to a weigh station.
Well most times. Sometimes you hit those "hidden" ones before you make it to a scale.
Don't get me wrong. I have all those apps. And yes, I do use them from time to time while I am driving. BUT NEVER when I am near a weigh station or going thru a town.
I use them if there is no place to pull off and I am running really behind and need to know where the next rest area or T/S is. But never when I am around lots of traffic.
My favorite app have become Trucker Path. It still has some issues that they are working on. But it is a darn good one to find a stop or plan a route.
Keep it safe out here, the life you save might be your own.
Joe S (The Blue Angel.)
A department of the federal executive branch responsible for the national highways and for railroad and airline safety. It also manages Amtrak, the national railroad system, and the Coast Guard.
State and Federal DOT Officers are responsible for commercial vehicle enforcement. "The truck police" you could call them.
When a violation by either a driver or company is confirmed, an out-of-service order removes either the driver or the vehicle from the roadway until the violation is corrected.
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I hit the button and it tells me address and how far. To much thinking. I want to hit a button, see a map of me on a road and see stops ahead of me. Any one have any recommendations? I currently have MyDAT trucker.