This might be a dumb question but drinking a few glasses of wine at home is OK right?
Refer to the CDL Handbook for your state; I believe most say that if you drink any amount of alcohol: There is a 24 hour wait period after you ingest the last drop.
A CDL is required to drive any of the following vehicles:
OK, just wanted to make sure it was't something like 'we detected you have consumed alcohol three weeks ago'.
Refer to the CDL Handbook for your state; I believe most say that if you drink any amount of alcohol: There is a 24 hour wait period after you ingest the last drop.
A CDL is required to drive any of the following vehicles:
OK, just wanted to make sure it was't something like 'we detected you have consumed alcohol three weeks ago'.
Refer to the CDL Handbook for your state; I believe most say that if you drink any amount of alcohol: There is a 24 hour wait period after you ingest the last drop.
Actually - I don't believe it's even 24 hours.
So if you're worrying about alcohol consumption prior to going to orientation - don't (worry). OTOH - DRUGS - a lot of companies do HAIR TESTING which will detect drug use up to 6 months (even though they are only supposed to test in the 90 day range). Even CERTAIN LEGALLY PRESCRIBED DRUGS - if you've DONE ANY RECENTLY - bring copies of your scrip and a letter from your personal physician describing WHY they were prescribed how long you were taking them, and that you no longer are.
But I wouldn't be popping any "cold frosties" during orientation or training - you will most likely find yourself on a bus home. Nor would I be planning on doing any "off duty" drinking in a truckstop, on your 10 hour breaks either. You can get away with having a few beers with dinner during a 34 reset on the first day - and certainly on your home time. But don;t be sitting INSIDE your truck and drinking.
But keep in mind - ANY DETECTABLE ALCOHOL while driving a CMV , is an IMMEDIATE SUSPENSION. Most drivers won't even use MOUTHWASH - for fear of tripping a breathalyzer.
It's really best - to save the drinking for HOME TIME. If you NEED to drink while on the road - you might just have an ALCOHOL PROBLEM (14+ years in recovery myself).
A CDL is required to drive any of the following vehicles:
A CMV is a vehicle that is used as part of a business, is involved in interstate commerce, and may fit any of these descriptions:
This might be a dumb question but drinking a few glasses of wine at home is OK right?
Any alcohol found in your system will put you off the road for at least twenty four hours. A BAC count of .04 will disqualify you for driving at least a year. Your company will most likely fire you anyway with the lightest offense. If you had two glasses of wine with a meal most likely there will be no notable traces in your system eight or more hours later. To me it would be trying to cram to much in with a 10 hour break. I am going to want to eat and go into a deep sleep for at least six hours all natural so I do not wake up groggy. At home hell yeah suck down some wine and eat a big meal, just be careful in case you get the call to roll.
I got to say i love a good beer and a small glass of whiskey . How ever I am local and go home every night so it is not a problem for me , Now any traceable amount is going to put you out of service for 24 hours . Forget exactly how long it takes for alcohol to leave your system but depends on your weight metabolism and how much alcohol you ingested . I would think 8 hours is plenty of time . Although you might have to wait longer to be safe to drive if you like getting " drunk " . I do not like to get drunk so again no problem for me . A hangover that makes you dizzy or otherwise not quite feeling stable is the same thing as driving drunk and you get the same penalty if caught . Same goes for any illness if you drive intentionally after knowing you were not real good to drive . My rule is that if I drink one swallow of anything I do not drive at all , car or truck . Not worth taking a slight chance to me . You could be just unlucky enough to pull out your driveway and find a dui road block half a block away . Not a problem for class C but you are different . I am not sure if Class A rules apply to you while in your car . I never concerned myself with looking into that as my " do not do it' rule makes sure I have no problem . 10 hours off duty ? Well you might want to stick with one beer or half glass of wine within the first two hours of that if you like a drink with dinner .
Driving Under the Influence
Operating While Intoxicated
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This might be a dumb question but drinking a few glasses of wine at home is OK right?