The Path To Your Own Truck Isn't Easy.

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Family Man's Comment
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XCELERATION RULES, it may not be perfectly clear, but Daniel B.'s style of instruction involves a lot of restraint. His "kind" might seem to be imposing his personality with little interest in finding out what makes people like you are me worth knowing. But what he is really doing is striving to safeguard the interests of the motoring public (including you and me). Case in point: "I wanted him to know how to fix errors. I taught him the correct way many times, but I also messed it up on purpose sometimes." Daniel B. is actually going out of his way to present these additional complex scenarios. I believe he should be applauded for that. I would rather be taught by someone like him than someone who didn't make waves, or worse who gave me free reign to steer clear of as many challenges as possible.


Operating While Intoxicated

David's Comment
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I can see where super trucker comes from.No Human would take that garbage. I don't need my trainer to purposely set me up to fail. Pretty much just a babysitter for the company equipment. I can handle anyone for 6 months,I was married for two freakin years (sam Kinnison) I'm seriously getting into trucking to avoid the dumb people I meet on a regular basis..looking only out for themselves. America has really become something to be proud of.

Step off your high horse for a sec. and answer this,

If your by your self as a solo driver, and you come up to a situation that you've never been in (such as a blind side ally dock and incase you don't know what this is, its backing on your right side with no real sight out of your mirror) and YES those are one of the hardest back ups. Would you rather have a trainer that never showed you these because all he wanted was the miles and to get the next student on the truck?

Or would you rather have a trainer (like Daniel) who's job is to TRAIN remember that TRAIN YOU! for this job and show you what could happen as a solo driver?

Its not a mater of being a "SUPER" trucker. In all honesty I would rather have Daniel as a trainer then some of these O/O who only do it to pay for their truck payment. You could be married for 20 yrs it doesn't matter, dealing with a person who takes a **** in the truck... sorry but that's really unsanitary. That's just as bad as people who take a **** and leave the bathroom without washing their hands...

And if your getting into trucking to get away from "Dumb" people, you may want to rethink this career then, as your going to be surrounded by them ALL DAY/NIGHT on the road, in traffic, at customers...

I hope you receive a trainer like Daniel. Being taught right is a lot better then being another pay check to a trainer.


Hours Of Service

HOS refers to the logbook hours of service regulations.
Old School's Comment
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I can see where super trucker comes from.No Human would take that garbage. I don't need my trainer to purposely set me up to fail. Pretty much just a babysitter for the company equipment. I can handle anyone for 6 months,I was married for two freakin years (sam Kinnison) I'm seriously getting into trucking to avoid the dumb people I meet on a regular basis..looking only out for themselves. America has really become something to be proud of.

I honestly don't know what to say, but I'm going to try to help you if it can be done. I've never seen such a statement from a person just trying to get into this business that sounded more "super trucker-like" than yours.

Trucking itself will set you up to fail, you can forget about the trainer trying to do it for you.

I hope you will have the decency to come back in here after you have faced down your first year on the road and humble yourself before this group of people who are willing to accept your naive and accusatory statements in here while still being willing to try and point you in the path of success. I know Daniel well enough to know that he's tough skinned enough to laugh at your naivety, and that he's got enough sense to realize that you just simply have no idea of what you are talking about.

I wish you the best, because I honestly want people to succeed at this stuff. I love this job, and I really get a kick out of seeing others take to it like I have. With confidence, I can assure you it will be the most challenging thing you have ever done.

If you are serious about the reason you gave above for getting into trucking, you have definitely made the wrong choice - save yourself some trouble and money and find another career path.

Rick S.'s Comment
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I PRAY to get a trainer like Daniel.

Friendship from here aside - that' EXACTLY the kind of training style that works best for me. I don't a trainer that just let's me do the EASY STUFF. I'm to in a truck to just put it on cruise control. I NEED TO BE CHALLENGED during training, in an environment where someone can HELP ME OUT - if I get jammed up. Making things "a little harder", in a controlled-but-real-world environment - is THE WAY TO LEARN IT, when you're ON YOUR OWN.

In fact - I hope he's BACK INTO TRAINING, by the time I'm ready to roll.

I would be willing to PUT OFF ORIENTATION, until he was available to train me.

It takes a TON OF TESTICLES - to come on here and attack someone who's been NOTHING BUT HELPFUL to EVERY NEWCOMER ON THE BOARD. I personally, would rather have 100 "Atheist Threads", then read ONE MORE POST of this kind of supercilious DRIVEL.


Rick S.'s Comment
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And the guy has to be doing SOMETHING RIGHT - to get an honor like THIS: Congrats Daniel B. Thread


Dennis R. (Greatest Drive's Comment
member avatar guys don't even know the dude..except from his keyboard. You guys make me laugh.

Old School's Comment
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I don't know why I keep responding to this but for the sake of maybe a few of the genuine folks who will see all this nonsense that Xcelleration is putting out. Daniel B. is not just an insignificant person behind a keyboard. We get together whenever we can and discuss ways that we can try and help people like him before they get slapped in the face by the industry that we have been so blessed by. Here we are on one such incident. Please note the absence of any keyboards!

two truckers conspiring to help new truck drivers

Robert B. (The Dragon) ye's Comment
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I don't know why I keep responding to this but for the sake of maybe a few of the genuine folks who will see all this nonsense that Xcelleration is putting out. Daniel B. is not just an insignificant person behind a keyboard. We get together whenever we can and discuss ways that we can try and help people like him before they get slapped in the face by the industry that we have been so blessed by. Here we are on one such incident. Please note the absence of any keyboards!


Great photo. I've been reading along but haven't responded because I don't want to feed the troll. I'll just say this much, I see nothing wrong with Daniel's way of training. When I was training new equipment operators who had just come out of tech school in the Air Force, we would do things similar. You aren't on the training area anymore and have to be ready for just about anything.

This kid on here talking smack is going to get a serious enlightenment once he really gets out there, if he's even planning on doing it at all.

Family Man's Comment
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I need all the help I can get. I prefer to get it from a trusted source, whose instructive posts I have followed for the last couple of months, rather than a guy who wants me to buy into some sort of warped conspiracy theory that seems designed to do nothing more than to create a false sense of comfort.


Hours Of Service

HOS refers to the logbook hours of service regulations.
Dennis R. (Greatest Drive's Comment
member avatar

First off all I'm not a kid.been driving all my life dealing with passengers,customers,and management. Don't need people making my life harder than it is. Don't call me a troll or give me any grief,cause you don't know where I come from,or where I've been. I prefer to be alone,and not have to deal with people who have nothing to do but make people's live more difficult than it should be.Thanks for your replies.

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