I'm gonna say just one last thing Xcelleration, and I sincerely hope you will think about, even if for just a little while.
A lot of people get into trucking to escape from their own little world of misery. A lot of people run from their problems. I've done it, so I know what I'm talking about. I can say also that you don't know where I've been, and I think you would be surprised if you knew some of my history. There is one thing I have learned though.
You can run fast and hard, you can run far away from everything and everybody, but there is one thing you can never get away from - I could never run away from me. Once a person realizes that, and knows wherein the problem is, they can usually figure out how to deal with all those other folks that they thought were the problem.
And for the record, I never considered you to be a troll.
Man i've been driving for a year now and I would love for Daniel to come to the east coast and show me some stuff! I only got one week with a trainer and it wasn't even for trucking related stuff. I know I would become a better driver because of it.
I wonder this then xcell, what would your ideal trainer do? Would he hold your hand through the entire process? Would he make you get out of the seat so he could back into a customers dock? You say that Daniel is setting the guy up for failure and you know what... Your right. This guy was set up for failure and because of his trainer he learned what to do in order not to fail. If what Daniel was teaching wasn't sinking in then may e he would try something else. Or maybe the dude just wasn't cut out for this job.
Making your life more difficult?
Man, I don't know about you but for Ken it was fun. I got a great deal of joy seeing him progress and eventually get his license. And he had a blast being challenged.
That's a quality this job demands if you're ever to fall in love with it. I could call Ken right now and ask him and he will tell me that he absolutely loves this job.
Ken was definitely ahead of hid classmates. He got the basics of backing down quickly (much faster than I did), so I was able to move on and challenge him more.
Here's a fun fact: on our first week Ken drove a 3,400 mile week. We also got the award for best fuel mileage of the entire fleet that week.
He is exactly the type of driver that I knew all along would excel at this job. I wanted to prepare him got the real world by using a controlled environment to mimic what he will go through out there.
I'm not saying I'm perfect or the best, but I believe I gavel student what he wanted - a real training program.
My training was team driving from day 1. I got hardly any supervision and it was extremely difficult. I learned from other drivers correcting me more times than I can count.
Now it's all about perspective. It seems like you just want the easiest way to your license. Some people want real world education though. Ken did every backing out on the road besides 1. I think backing is probably his strongest trait and he passed his backing exam like it was nothing. I wonder why?
To set the record straight and shine some light on this thread... Daniel is a Excellent Driver and has a very unique way of teaching...He Shares his knowledge freely and willing plus offers his time and opinions when anybody asks for help or needs some advice. I feel more prepared and have been able to handle almost all the issue's thrown at me because of the kind of training I got with Daniel & at Prime....Once you go SOLO it's game on and you have to wear the big boy pants and that means being able to work out problems on your own..I am going to be the best truck driver I can be and part of the credit will always go to Daniel B....
Ken C
Hope I don't get a trainer like you.One reason I want to truck..to avoid your kind.
......says the guy who loves to criticize people that are trying to help him.....people he doesn't even know....
It sounds like you really have a gift for getting along with people, especially those with a lot of experience doing what you're hoping to do someday. You know.....the ones that could teach you a lot if they wanted to. Of course who would bother when you're acting like a jerk, completely unprovoked? You're the type we'd rather sit back and watch make an *ss out of himself. And you will because you think you know it all.
Don't call me a troll or give me any grief,cause you don't know where I come from,or where I've been.
But it's ok for you to come here and criticize a forum full of people willing to volunteer their time and energy to help you? You said we don't know Daniel from David and it took Old School a matter of minutes to prove you wrong. You said you wouldn't want a trainer like Daniel when Daniel is exactly the kind of trainer you should want to have.
One thing most people (not you, I'm sure, but most) learn very quickly in trucking is that you have absolutely no authority over anyone at anytime. You're the low man on the totem pole everywhere you go. So showing up with that type of attitude is only going to accomplish one thing - you're going to have a target on your back. You're going to be loaded and unloaded last at customers, you're going to get served cold food at restaurants, you're going to get tickets from officers that others wouldn't have, you're going to sit at truck stops doing nothing becaues you p*ssed off dispatch, and drivers aren't going to want to talk to you because nobody wants to sit around listening to someone gripe all the time.
So why don't you go take a deep breath and start asking yourself, "Is what I'm about to say really going to be helpful in any way or am I just going to aggravate everyone and look like a jerk?" That would have saved you a couple times already in this thread alone.
Operating While Intoxicated
Propaganda..you guys don't even know the dude..except from his keyboard. You guys make me laugh.
you would be suprised at how often members of this sight run into each other. I my self have met Daniel in North Platte, NE and have met Truckographer in Rawlins, WY.
WOW!!!! Why doesn't whats-his-name first tell us why he joined Trucking Truth???? Since I joined TT I have never seen someone so angry with the world....
WOW!!!! Why doesn't whats-his-name first tell us why he joined Trucking Truth???? Since I joined TT I have never seen someone so angry with the world....
Ok so I deleted a lot of the junk from this thread. I like Daniel's teaching style and the original post so I didn't want to delete the entire thread. I want people to understand just how challenging it is getting your career started in this industry and I want everyone to hear a trainer's perspective on things. So let's continue on as we normally do.
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Sir, if your an experienced driver... then this thread doesn't really apply to you.... Daneil is talking about Training new drivers and setting them up for success, by giving them tough training exercises to accomplish while out with a trainer who has their back. I for one would LOVE to have a trainer like Daniel.... as I'd want to get some tough training, even if it *does* make my life "difficult" for a while. I prefer to look at it this way... If the toughest backing I *EVER* have to do is with a trainer in the truck, it is all downhill from there when I'm alone and have nobody watching my back out there.