That's a great accomplishment! Most folks don't realize how tough it is to stay on top of your game consistently in this business. There are so many things that are out of the drivers control that can affect their performance. To be among the top drivers in any fleet for two straight years shows that you are rocking this job, and we are proud to have you here in our circle of peers. Keep up the great work.
That's awesome! Congrats!
Awesome, RedGator .... you clearly 'Get It' and are doing a great job.
Well deserved accolades, and your company is lucky to have you!
Huge congrats! !!! Keep it going and give all the other employees someone to try and keep up with.
Congratulations Red Gator!
So as many of yall know last year I was invited to my companys Allstar Banquet. Its for the top 50 drivers in the company. Well guess who was invited again for the second year in a row
Yep you guessed it ME!
Good stuffins, RedGator! If I recall correctly, and you are still with the same company, I will be joining you in mid-March. My road test is tomorrow and I have a tentative offer from them, pending the background check (no trouble there). I have officially whittled it down to 2 companies and will most likely go this route.
Perhaps I'll shake your hand one day soon! I'll be chasing that banquet down myself. :-)
Awesome Joe. Hope to see you soon! Yep ive been with WEL from day one. I do truly like my company. It has in "moments" but I like it here. Thank yall for the support. I was super excited for the second year acknowledgement. I pride myself in being great at what i do and Im glad that the "higher ups" appreciate it.
Great to hear that you are being acknowledged for your commitment to safety and hard work RedGator!
And doing all that while indoctrinating, I mean training, new drivers. Congrats on the accomplishment.
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Great job! Keep up the good work.