Idk how it works with your company but when I went out with my trainer I had to sleep with all of my belongings on my bed with me so it gets really cramped.
MI girlfriend (of 6 years) and I are going to be driving for Covenant Transport in about a week. We ordered some military bags to use as our dufflebag and they just arrived, the problem is they are pretty big! Perhaps too big...
here is a video showing the bag with a person, for scale.
We have two of these, and a bunch of little bags to go inside of them to keep everything organized...
Covenant has a unique "buddy system" for new drivers, it allows me and my girlfriend to drive in the same truck WITH the mentor. After we each complete 280 hours we will have our own truck.
We are concerned our bags may be TOO BIG to fit comfortably in the truck, considering there will be 3 of us in there... Our original thoughts were, "ohh these bags are tall, not long, perfect." but now that we have them we are having some reservations. We're considering sharing 1 dufflebag, but are still not quite sure if that will be too large.
I'm wondering what are the opinions of experienced drivers. Should we just get the standard size dufflebag?
Also, kinda off topic, but i'm interested in hearing any stories from other drivers with experience with Covenant's buddy system... (did alot of research on the internet and found some stories/info but didn't notice any comments from TT on the subject)
Thanks! I love Trucking Truth
So mike me and my wife are also going to covenant Sunday . I couldn't tell you for sure but I m guessing you're bags will be too big. We've got two duffle bags and two smaller bags, one sleeping bags and pillow. It is kinda of hard to get all you want in those bags but necessary,due to not much room. We are so excited to be going to covenant, feel free to text me at this number 5203058143.
Operating While Intoxicated
We are looking at Covenant as they will train us together instead of separately but we will not be ready to go until the spring. Would really appreciate any info you would be willing to share about your time with Covenant. Thanks in advance.
I think those bags would fit at the end of the bunk and would be a bit smaller after you unpack your bedding ( sleeping bad and pillow take up a lot of room in a bag). If I had that bag i would use it. I had a big duffle bag for my bedding, a backpack for my clothes, and a smaller computer type bag for my electronics and paperwork and I was fine.
OK, thanks so much for the replies. I'll do my best to write a diary once I get out on the road to inform everyone about my experience with Covenant and their buddy system training program
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My girlfriend (of 6 years) and I are going to be driving for Covenant Transport in about a week. We ordered some military bags to use as our dufflebag and they just arrived, the problem is they are pretty big! Perhaps too big...
Here is a link to the bags.
here is a video showing the bag with a person, for scale.
We have two of these, and a bunch of little bags to go inside of them to keep everything organized...
Covenant has a unique "buddy system" for new drivers, it allows me and my girlfriend to drive in the same truck WITH the mentor. After we each complete 280 hours we will have our own truck.
We are concerned our bags may be TOO BIG to fit comfortably in the truck, considering there will be 3 of us in there... Our original thoughts were, "ohh these bags are tall, not long, perfect." but now that we have them we are having some reservations. We're considering sharing 1 dufflebag, but are still not quite sure if that will be too large.
I'm wondering what are the opinions of experienced drivers. Should we just get the standard size dufflebag?
Also, kinda off topic, but i'm interested in hearing any stories from other drivers with experience with Covenant's buddy system... (did alot of research on the internet and found some stories/info but didn't notice any comments from TT on the subject)
Thanks! I love Trucking Truth
Operating While Intoxicated