farm raised livestock are fed a diet of corn because it is cheap
I've raised some chickens, turkeys, and beef steers for a few years now and I can assure you that corn, soybeans, and hay are the best feed imaginable. The hormones and other chemicals involved with commercial meats aren't good for us, that's for sure. And commercial meats are awful tasting, especially ground beef. But feeding them corn is certainly not a problem.
I raise my own meat because I enjoy the animals and I want to produce the best quality meat imaginable. And trust me, I do. It's like nothing you've ever had, especially the beef. And I pack them full of all of the delicious corn I can haul to the barn their entire lives and they love me for it. They literally lick my face like a dog when it's feeding time cuz they love their corn so much.
And when it's time to go in the house for dinner, you know what I love best with my home raised meats? Corn! Cause it's just so darn delicious!
I don't like canned corn but will demolish corn on the cob and would rather have Lima beans and peas with my medium rare steak...
As a former vegetarian of several years turned back to meat-eating, I won't try to pass judgement in any way or tell you what you're doing is right or wrong. I think that's up to every individual to decide, and you should live your life whatever way makes you happy as long as you aren't stepping on other people's rights to do so. I personally love animals but at the same time I realize that many animals eat other animals in the wild, there is a relationship between prey species and predators which is part of any healthy ecosystem, and I view the consuming of prey animals as a natural and normal thing to do as part of earth's food chain. I do believe large commercial animal farms leave much to be desired in their handling and treatment of the animals however. Honestly large commercial vegetable/agricultural farms are pretty terrible too. The world is far from a perfect place. That being said...
In response to your concerns about vegan food in the trucking world, I would NOT expect any trucking company to provide a balanced vegan meal option to you during training. If they provide food at all, they will almost certainly provide one set meal for everyone, which will undoubtedly contain meat and/or dairy, and if you have different dietary needs it will be on you to bring your own food. There might be some exceptions, but I certainly wouldn't count on it. I would suggest bringing several days worth of non-refrigerated ready to eat vegan food items, just in case, as well as money to purchase more food when you get the chance.
When actually out on the road, it shouldn't be that hard to find something you can eat in most truck stops, especially if you're already used to finding vegan food choices wherever you go in your day to day life, but you'll probably mostly be buying groceries and cooking in the truck rather than eating out in the restaurants. You should pretty much always be able to find something, though.
Good luck and drive safe! :)
Most companies you are on your own for training. Some schools have agreements with a restaurant to provide a reduced price, some schools are through a community college or tech school with a cafeteria. As a vegan, you are in the extreme minority. For orientation you may be able to get the company to accommodate your diet, but don't count on it. Honestly, these are not really problems with the ability to have electric coolers or fridges in the truck to keep food, fridges of some size in almost all hotel rooms and many truck stops having enough of a selection to give you choices in between trips to the store. Don't let the little bit of inconvenience at the beginning keep you away from what can be a decent career.
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I've raised some chickens, turkeys, and beef steers for a few years now and I can assure you that corn, soybeans, and hay are the best feed imaginable. The hormones and other chemicals involved with commercial meats aren't good for us, that's for sure. And commercial meats are awful tasting, especially ground beef. But feeding them corn is certainly not a problem.
I raise my own meat because I enjoy the animals and I want to produce the best quality meat imaginable. And trust me, I do. It's like nothing you've ever had, especially the beef. And I pack them full of all of the delicious corn I can haul to the barn their entire lives and they love me for it. They literally lick my face like a dog when it's feeding time cuz they love their corn so much.
And when it's time to go in the house for dinner, you know what I love best with my home raised meats? Corn! Cause it's just so darn delicious!