This is the exact same posting as "Getting Hired - Advice Needed". Post comments there to cut down on confusion.
I don't see this other post? And errol posted no linkage.
I think you could just call yourself an entertainer, and if asked then say I was a dancer. No one needs to know more than that I don't think>? Trucking companies are more concerned with verifiable employment and I dont think being an entertainer or a plumber makes one bit of difference?
I have no problem putting down an entertainer but won't the trucking companies call my employer? I would think they would wonder what type of work it is once they called to verify my employment through my manager.
Liz, I don't see any problems with you being hired, from everything that you have posted in the other topic. I believe you will be good to go with getting on with a company.
I don't see this other post? And errol posted no linkage.
I think you could just call yourself an entertainer, and if asked then say I was a dancer. No one needs to know more than that I don't think>? Trucking companies are more concerned with verifiable employment and I dont think being an entertainer or a plumber makes one bit of difference?
The other topic is located at the link below.
Okay, great! I would be all ready to start looking for prehire letters except for my living situation. I am having a hell of a time trying to rent out my apartment. My rent is $865 plus utilities and I am not sure if I could foot this bill within the first couple of months of working. Does anyone know if that amount is possible? I have put an ad online for the apartment and I have had many people contact me to tell me they are interested. One girl even told me that she wanted to put down an deposit and talk with the landlord. However, she never gave him a call about it and when I asked her about to she said she would get to it when she had the time. Pfffffft! Okay, I know she is not serious so I am not going to let her move in here now anyway, but I am now worried about affording my rent.
Does anyone know if I will make enough for food on the road and a nearly $1,000 per month rent and utility cost once I get hired? I will have a little bit saved but only for about a month or two.
Pre-hire letters are acceptance letters from trucking companies to students, or even potential students, to verify placement. The trucking companies are saying in writing that the student, or potential student, appears to meet the company's minimum hiring requirements and is welcome to attend their orientation at the company’s expense once he or she graduates from truck driving school and has their CDL in hand.
We have an excellent article that will help you Understand The Pre-Hire Process.
The people that receive a pre-hire letter are people who meet the company's minimum hiring requirements, but it is not an employment contract. It is an invitation to orientation, and the orientation itself is a prerequisite to employment.
During the orientation you will get a physical, drug screen, and background check done. These and other qualifications must be met before someone in orientation is officially hired.
The quick answer: No.
Some company schools pay you, but anything you get will be close to minimum wage. My experience is with Swift's school. School is not paid, other than the hotel. You get your own food & other living expenses
The road training happens after you are officially hired. I was paid something like $9.75/hr for driving and $7.xx for being "on duty" while training. This got me less than $400 per week.
Starting solo, my first check was just above $500.
Do you want to keep the apartment, of are you wanting to get out of a lease?
Unfortunately, I can not get out of the lease without paying a three month exit fee, which would be a almost $3,000. While that is doable for me, I just do not want to give up that much. Especially when I need to have some money saved up on the side when I first start out. :-(
This'd is what I did to get out of a lease. At the property, if I cold get a replacement tenant, that would cover the rest of my lease time. I had to repay the promotional stuff, like the $100 groceries card.
I advertised on Craigslist the apartment, with the rental rate in effect. Then I added "EXTRA MONTH RENT FREE!" The condition for my free rent deal was the new renter must rent my apartment. (duhh). The also must apply and be accepted by the landlord (duhh #2).
I had a new renter in place by the end of the month. I confirmed that with the landlord, just to be sure, then I mailed her a money order for one month's rent. (I also cleaned the place up immaculately, so there was no cleaning charge.)
Do you want to be out one more month's rent ($865) or the lease breaking penalty ($3000), duhh #3?
I already tried something similar to that and my landlord wouldn't go for it. He said I had to pay a 3 month buyout with no exceptions. He said if I found someone to move in, he might give me a partial refund but he couldn't confirm how much or when he would send it. I have been trying to discuss ways to get out of it with him for about a month now. :-( I am pretty much stuck here unless I find someone.
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Subject: I HAVE SOMETHING I DON'T WANT TO PUT ON MY RESUME BUT DON'T KNOW HOW TO GET AROUND IT. I hope I will be safe by putting this post here. The women's forum seems to be slower than the men's in addition to having less seasoned drivers. Respectful responses only please. Thank you for your help.
I have wanted to be a truck driver for as long as I can remember (more than 20 years) but never went to truck school because I haven't met ANYONE who has been supportive of me going into this industry, and I do mean NO ONE! I come from a family that believes a bachelor + master degree is the only way to go in life and they all have pretty high incomes. Therefore, there has always been a lot of pressure on me to make a lot of money in whichever career I chose.
Well, to make the long story short, I never found my calling in life (aside from a driving job) so I chose a profession that is very well paid but much less respected than trucking... a dancer at a gentleman's club.
While I have never worked below the belt (if you get what I mean
), and I don't have any desire to ever do so, I have been dancing without my top on for almost 2 years while getting paid very well for doing so. However, after having a great time at this job for 2 years, I am now ready to move on and don't want to be in this line of work anymore, as is the case with most racy jobs.
I only took a job like this because there has been so much pressure on me to make a lot of money in my family ( who don't know what I do, btw). I know that it was morally wrong of me for taking up a job like this and I hope that no one here is judging me since none of us are perfect. Aside from right or wrong though, I would like to enter the field that I have always dreamed of but, obviously, working as a stripper is not going to look good on a resume.
So, without being too terribly judgmental, is there anyone who can give me some advice as to how I might get hired after having worked at a place like this? The way I see it is that I have three options:
1) Put it on my resume as "Independent Contractor" and the name of the club. 2) Put self-employed and include a reference. 3) Lie by putting "****tail Waitress" and the name of the club (assuming my manager will back me up. I'd have to ask).
All of my work history prior to that was pretty consistent in retail stores such as Nordstrom, Macy's, etc. My other qualifications are pretty good as well. I have a clean driving record, can pass a drug test, and have no criminal history. So, aside from my recent job title, I am a pretty good candidate. I also know that some jobs don't even call your recent employers but I'm guessing that trucking companies are more particular about employment histories.
Anyway, any feedback about this would be great! I am very eager to start a trucking career so I hope I will be employable. Can anyone who is familiar with the hiring process fill me in?
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