Medical Issues

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Meper's Comment
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Sorry to hear this Ernie. Hope they caught it in its early stages. Sending prayers your way. Get well soon!


Ernie S. (AKA Old Salty D's Comment
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After many phone calls, found out today that I will not be able to get my medical care through the Naval hospital in Portsmouth VA because they have no availability for me at this time.

So I will have to go outside the military system for my care.

Will keep everyone updated as time goes by.



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Pat M.'s Comment
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Well that might be the best news you could get.

Here's to getting back in the saddle soon.

Ernie S. (AKA Old Salty D's Comment
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Ok, went to the Dr today. After much research and confirming with the Dr, I have decided to give radiation therapy a try instead of surgery.

For me, there are just too many possible medical issues for me because of prior operations in the past.

So now I am waiting for the new specialist to call me so I can make an appointment to see him and get this started & done with.


Stevo Reno's Comment
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Not saying this could help, since I'm NOT a dr. But when I read chemo shots cost $24,000 to $28,000 each, every 3 weeks/ OUCH!

Graviola, fruit....Supposedly help fight 12+ types of cancers.....Talked to a few ladies I know, in the Philippines, who's grnadmothers, moms, a da use the fruit etc, and has helped them immensely. Our FDA Don't approve, since no human testing has been done.....But we all know, the medical industry likes the TONS of $$$ it brings in! I've always thought, it funny, for how many years, of Jerry Lewis Telethons, and such, brought in, yet we aren't any closer to cures?? I call BS .

Sorry for your health , hopefully, something can be done to help you get back in the saddle Ernie good-luck.gif


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Brett Aquila's Comment
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Excellent! Keep moving forward Ernie and stay on the attack! The therapy is going to be tough but just keep your spirits up and keep reminding yourself it's only temporary. Stay in the fight!


Robert B. (The Dragon) ye's Comment
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Ernie, best of luck and Godspeed to a full and fast recovery. I know it will take you out of driving for a while and you might have moral objections but check into Cannabis oil. It has many uses and has gone through rigorous testing and scrutiny but has been linked to curing or knocking cancer into remission as it literally feeds on cancer cells. I might open a can of worms on this one but as a potential treatment, it might be worth looking into.

J. Snow's Comment
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F u c k cancer. just sayin....

Your positive attitude and aggressive spirit to fight this are going to go a long way towards beating this. I'm sending mine your way as well!

Chris the stick slinger's Comment
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Ernie, best of luck and Godspeed to a full and fast recovery. I know it will take you out of driving for a while and you might have moral objections but check into Cannabis oil. It has many uses and has gone through rigorous testing and scrutiny but has been linked to curing or knocking cancer into remission as it literally feeds on cancer cells. I might open a can of worms on this one but as a potential treatment, it might be worth looking into.


I don't see how anyone can object to any kind of treatment for this scourge on mankind.

Ernie, good luck to a good man is all I can give. Hope the best for you and yours in this tough time.

Be strong either way it goes

Daniel's Comment
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Prayers your way.

Hope they caught it EARLY. The recovery rate goes way up when they do.

I had a Stage II Melanoma about 8 years ago. Cut it out - no chemo or radiation - they said they got it all.

Dermatologist told me, had I waited another 6 months - I would have a 2 year life expectancy.

Scary part is that cancer tends to be systemic. My belief is - once you have it - that's whats going to take you out (eventually).

Best wishes for a speedy recovery...


I and my 3 siblings were all born with skin cancer (1 in a billion odds?). My grandfather, after living a full, healthy, alcohol/smoke polluted life (78?) died from a cancer mole on his back (1 sibling has an identical one on her chest, other has it on his back).

Just felt like sharing. Cancer means malignant cell. A "bad" cell. Damaged.

That means it's instructions to divide and multiply are goobered. All genetics. Can't do much except remove or kill thosr naughty cells (if possible).


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