Here's A New Dash Cam Crash Caught On Roadway

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Stevo Reno's Comment
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Dash Cam Catches A Wreck

An aggressive driver in a Camaro causes a big wreck

Brett Aquila's Comment
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Best Answer!

Defensive driving means learning how to recognize idiots and knowing how to avoid getting caught up in their bad decisions. Obviously the guy in the Camaro is the 'original' idiot in this case. But the bigger idiot was the guy in the pickup truck. He had the chance to let that Camaro go and get away from him. But he wanted to prove a point. He wanted to show that Camaro that he wasn't going to be pushed around.

The whole time I'm watching this I'm thinking, "That pickup truck could have been safe and sound, far away from that idiot in the Camaro but he decided to make himself the target of this guy's rage instead. He's gonna regret it."

But the third idiot in all this was the covered wagon. How long did the driver of that rig watch these aggressive idiots playing chicken right next to him and never did a thing about it? Why the h*ll didn't he back out of it and let everyone get away from him????? He could have prevented the entire thing if he would have backed out of it, allowed himself to get away from that mess, and thus allowing the Camaro to get away from himself and the pickup.

......and sure enough it was only a matter of time. You could see what was coming. All three idiots caught up in a wreck.

After years on the road you see guys like the one in the Camaro coming from a mile away and all you can think of is, "How can I keep this idiot away from me?" That's what a smart defensive driver would have thought. Neither the pickup or the covered wagon were thinking clearly at all. Everyone was simply thinking of themselves.

And finally let's not forget the guy filming the whole thing. Hey buddy......why don't you just tailgate the aggressive idiots and almost get killed in the process yourself?

Four idiots.

How many vehicles in this scene? Four. How many of them were aware of their surroundings and putting safety in front of their own ego and agenda? None of em. Now you have three idiots with wrecked vehicles and a fourth idiot who is going to be spending his time doing police interviews and bringing evidence to court cases. Fun.

If any one of those original three idiots in the wreck would have made a move with safety in mind the whole thing would have been prevented. But none of em did. Not one. What a total mess for nothing.

Covered Wagon:

A flatbed with specially fitted side plates and curved ribs supporting a tarp covering, commonly referred to as a "side kit". Named for the resemblance to horse-drawn covered wagons.


Hours Of Service

HOS refers to the logbook hours of service regulations.


Operating While Intoxicated

Brett Aquila's Comment
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Great Answer!
somehow I get the feeling that even if that truck driver had slowed down to 50, 40, 30, 20, 10, or even come to a complete stop right there on the road, that pickup would have been right there alongside him.

That big rig should have slowed down immediately and let those clowns go. If the pickup slows down with him, so be it,, but it's highly unlikely. The farther you can get away from them or the slower you're going the better. If you have to pull onto the shoulder and stop while those clowns park on the highway and start duking it out, so be it. Whatever it takes to stay out of the wreck.

The big rig should have slowed down upon seeing that Camaro get out from behind him. He should have noticed how aggressively the Camaro was looking to pass and a red flag should have went off in his head, "Oh man. I have to get as far away from this guy as possible in a hurry."

That's the kind of spacial awareness and mental discipline it takes to do this job safely year in and year out. You have to be able to recognize the potential for dangerous scenarios long before you're actually in any danger. You have to be proactive about keeping yourself away from other vehicles as often as possible and be vigilant about taking nothing for granted.

I used to continuously scan around my vehicle wondering, "What is the most suicidal, ridiculous thing that anyone around me could do right now?" and I'd prepare for it. You wouldn't believe how many times over the years what seemed like an unimaginably stupid thing to do was exactly what happened a few seconds later....and I was ready for it.

Or you'll be watching your mirrors and you can learn to recognize a problem starting to form one tenth of a mile behind you. Long before anyone gets alongside of you you'll know what's probably going to happen and you can prepare for it. Make sure you have an escape and do all you can to keep yourself from ever getting into a bad position in the first place.


Hours Of Service

HOS refers to the logbook hours of service regulations.
Eckoh's Comment
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Camaro guy should go to jail imo

OshagHennesy's Comment
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What an idiot.

Brett Aquila's Comment
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Best Answer!

Defensive driving means learning how to recognize idiots and knowing how to avoid getting caught up in their bad decisions. Obviously the guy in the Camaro is the 'original' idiot in this case. But the bigger idiot was the guy in the pickup truck. He had the chance to let that Camaro go and get away from him. But he wanted to prove a point. He wanted to show that Camaro that he wasn't going to be pushed around.

The whole time I'm watching this I'm thinking, "That pickup truck could have been safe and sound, far away from that idiot in the Camaro but he decided to make himself the target of this guy's rage instead. He's gonna regret it."

But the third idiot in all this was the covered wagon. How long did the driver of that rig watch these aggressive idiots playing chicken right next to him and never did a thing about it? Why the h*ll didn't he back out of it and let everyone get away from him????? He could have prevented the entire thing if he would have backed out of it, allowed himself to get away from that mess, and thus allowing the Camaro to get away from himself and the pickup.

......and sure enough it was only a matter of time. You could see what was coming. All three idiots caught up in a wreck.

After years on the road you see guys like the one in the Camaro coming from a mile away and all you can think of is, "How can I keep this idiot away from me?" That's what a smart defensive driver would have thought. Neither the pickup or the covered wagon were thinking clearly at all. Everyone was simply thinking of themselves.

And finally let's not forget the guy filming the whole thing. Hey buddy......why don't you just tailgate the aggressive idiots and almost get killed in the process yourself?

Four idiots.

How many vehicles in this scene? Four. How many of them were aware of their surroundings and putting safety in front of their own ego and agenda? None of em. Now you have three idiots with wrecked vehicles and a fourth idiot who is going to be spending his time doing police interviews and bringing evidence to court cases. Fun.

If any one of those original three idiots in the wreck would have made a move with safety in mind the whole thing would have been prevented. But none of em did. Not one. What a total mess for nothing.

Covered Wagon:

A flatbed with specially fitted side plates and curved ribs supporting a tarp covering, commonly referred to as a "side kit". Named for the resemblance to horse-drawn covered wagons.


Hours Of Service

HOS refers to the logbook hours of service regulations.


Operating While Intoxicated

Willie C.'s Comment
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Can't fix stupid. Agree with Brett though, Truck Driver should have been way more safety conscious.

Dennis S.'s Comment
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That's was what I was thinking, as well. Just watching the video. Why risk your own life, lose the load, and possibly your livelihood. because of some road rage idiots. Throttle down, down shift, slow down.

Mr. Smith's Comment
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Its called a "Lead Deficiency"

Daniel's Comment
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Defensive driving means learning how to recognize idiots and knowing how to avoid getting caught up in their bad decisions. Obviously the guy in the Camaro is the 'original' idiot in this case. But the bigger idiot was the guy in the pickup truck. He had the chance to let that Camaro go and get away from him. But he wanted to prove a point. He wanted to show that Camaro that he wasn't going to be pushed around.

The whole time I'm watching this I'm thinking, "That pickup truck could have been safe and sound, far away from that idiot in the Camaro but he decided to make himself the target of this guy's rage instead. He's gonna regret it."

But the third idiot in all this was the covered wagon. How long did the driver of that rig watch these aggressive idiots playing chicken right next to him and never did a thing about it? Why the h*ll didn't he back out of it and let everyone get away from him????? He could have prevented the entire thing if he would have backed out of it, allowed himself to get away from that mess, and thus allowing the Camaro to get away from himself and the pickup.

......and sure enough it was only a matter of time. You could see what was coming. All three idiots caught up in a wreck.

After years on the road you see guys like the one in the Camaro coming from a mile away and all you can think of is, "How can I keep this idiot away from me?" That's what a smart defensive driver would have thought. Neither the pickup or the covered wagon were thinking clearly at all. Everyone was simply thinking of themselves.

And finally let's not forget the guy filming the whole thing. Hey buddy......why don't you just tailgate the aggressive idiots and almost get killed in the process yourself?

Four idiots.

How many vehicles in this scene? Four. How many of them were aware of their surroundings and putting safety in front of their own ego and agenda? None of em. Now you have three idiots with wrecked vehicles and a fourth idiot who is going to be spending his time doing police interviews and bringing evidence to court cases. Fun.

If any one of those original three idiots in the wreck would have made a move with safety in mind the whole thing would have been prevented. But none of em did. Not one. What a total mess for nothing.

Holy ****. You read my mind! Word for word. I was fixing to post something very similar.

I hate pricks like that in the pick-up truck. He paralleled the big-rig with intent. The driver of the fancy sports car was trying to get around safely, and finally got frustrated and gave up. People in the big-rigs that allow that to happen are the #1 cause of crashes. That incites road rage. Simple fact of life. I'd blame him before anyone else. At least those that pass through Austin know what's up and either slow down, speed up (not ideal, but they do it), or get the **** out of the way (even temporarily going into an exit-only lane for a short period).

I drive IH-35 in Austin (north/south) probably 3+ hours a day, 7 days a week. I've done that for about 4 years and counting (except this past month.. But I've been right beside IH-35E. LOL!). Past 2 days is the longest I've been away from IH-35 since 2009.

As far as the guy with the dash cam: He was trying to encourage the driver with the fancy car to 'calm down' by force. He was removing his braking point, in hopes that he'd quit hitting the accelerator (removing his space from behind). That's probably what caused the driver of the fancy car to say, "**** it" and try the logical choice of going left, as opposed to safely passing on the shoulder on the right (as permitted by Texas law).

§545.058 - DRIVING ON IMPROVED SHOULDER (a) An operator may drive on an improved shoulder to the right of the main traveled portion of a roadway if that operation is necessary and may be done safely, but only: (1) to stop, stand, or park; (2) to accelerate before entering the main traveled lane of traffic; (3) to decelerate before making a right turn; (4) to pass another vehicle that is slowing or stopped on the main traveled portion of the highway, disabled, or preparing to make a left turn; (5) to allow another vehicle traveling faster to pass; (6) as permitted or required by an official traffic control device; or (7) to avoid a collision

Posting this, just to prevent people from randomly saying I don't know law, am a keyboard warrior, or something else foul. Pre-emptive. ;)

Covered Wagon:

A flatbed with specially fitted side plates and curved ribs supporting a tarp covering, commonly referred to as a "side kit". Named for the resemblance to horse-drawn covered wagons.


Hours Of Service

HOS refers to the logbook hours of service regulations.


Operating While Intoxicated

Serah D.'s Comment
member avatar

Mmmmm......would not have tried the camaro move. But idiot drivers are represented by the pickup driver. Why don't most drivers understand the left lane is for overtaking? €€`|®>¥*«¥]¥®¥`|[|`¥¡€¢<]|¡®®¢¡%\\~\/

Daniel's Comment
member avatar

Mmmmm......would not have tried the camaro move. But idiot drivers are represented by the pickup driver. Why don't most drivers understand the left lane is for overtaking? €€`|®>¥*«¥]¥®¥`|[|`¥¡€¢<]|¡®®¢¡%\\~\/

Most Texas highways use "LEFT LANE - PASSING ONLY" for any extended period (EG: HWY-290 that loops around Austin isn't set up like that).

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