Yet Another New Guy - YANG

Topic 861 | Page 5

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Tracy W.'s Comment
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Tracy thanks for the updates. I am considering WS and your updates are invaluable. Can you tell us how many miles you are getting weekly/monthly?


Sorry for the delay in response...been running hard!

I'm in a newer truck now...much nicer. I usually get 2500 to 3000 miles a week, sometimes more and travel the whole country. I know I will end up with more northern runs during the winter as some more senior people don't like them. I admit I am apprehensive about that but I have driven in a couple snowstorms this year already. Watkins seems to have plenty of work so everybody is getting good runs at this time. I hope it keeps up!


Dispatcher, Fleet Manager, Driver Manager

The primary person a driver communicates with at his/her company. A dispatcher can play many roles, depending on the company's structure. Dispatchers may assign freight, file requests for home time, relay messages between the driver and management, inform customer service of any delays, change appointment times, and report information to the load planners.
Tracy W.'s Comment
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An update.

In early December I was in L.A. I had a load assignment with three drops on the way to Coeur d'Alene Idaho, next was a pickup in Lewiston Idaho with a run to Tracy, California. A pickup in Modesto and another run to L.A. Then a pickup in Victorville, California and a run to Conover, North Carolina with stops in Dallas and Mississippi along the way, followed be a pickup there and then up to Helena Montana. Back home to Billings Montana with a load in time for Christmas. That was all in about two weeks.

After four days at home tomorrow I'm headed to Great Falls, Montana to pick up a load of flour and head for Tempe, Arizona

Over The Road means exactly that. Pretty typical scenario for me quoted above.

Over The Road:

Over The Road

OTR driving normally means you'll be hauling freight to various customers throughout your company's hauling region. It often entails being gone from home for two to three weeks at a time.

Steven N. (aka Wilson)'s Comment
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An update.

In early December I was in L.A. I had a load assignment with three drops on the way to Coeur d'Alene Idaho, next was a pickup in Lewiston Idaho with a run to Tracy, California. A pickup in Modesto and another run to L.A. Then a pickup in Victorville, California and a run to Conover, North Carolina with stops in Dallas and Mississippi along the way, followed be a pickup there and then up to Helena Montana. Back home to Billings Montana with a load in time for Christmas. That was all in about two weeks.

After four days at home tomorrow I'm headed to Great Falls, Montana to pick up a load of flour and head for Tempe, Arizona

Over The Road means exactly that. Pretty typical scenario for me quoted above.

Wow, Tracy. They have really kept you busy. I imagine your 'first run' of 3 months on the road was very impressive for the company as reflected by that new driver review they gave you. Has your wife been with you on any of these trips?

Over The Road:

Over The Road

OTR driving normally means you'll be hauling freight to various customers throughout your company's hauling region. It often entails being gone from home for two to three weeks at a time.

Tracy W.'s Comment
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Wow, Tracy. They have really kept you busy. I imagine your 'first run' of 3 months on the road was very impressive for the company as reflected by that new driver review they gave you. Has your wife been with you on any of these trips?

Actually, the first run was July 18th through Christmas....but I did get home for a night or so every couple weeks for the first three months...then had a long time of being away...about 5 weeks or so. That's no fun, but I think it helped me establish some bona fides with dispatch.

My wife has not been with me on any trips. I'm hoping in the summer she'll come along for a while, but she doesn't want to leave home now...our Grandson lives with us and is a Senior in High School. He leaves for the Army in July, and she doesn't want to be away from him. After that I'm hoping she will spend enough time on the road with me that we can make at least a trip hitting both coasts and north to south....easy to do with Watkins Shepard!

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