In my spare time, I work on my plans to take over the world.
Granted, it isn't going very well so I have to keep revising the plan. Then I fire up Hulu and watch Monty Python, after that, ,,,,,,,, well come on, it's Monty Python. ....
I have a subscription to both Nook & Google play books on my phone (can also access them from a tablet) and have downloaded over time about 100 books or more. I find that takes up much less room than regular books & works just a well. Most of the time the books average about $5 - $10 range (I guess I'm just cheap that way).
I get on the internet as well and watch Netflix/You tube as well. This all seems to work well for me.
When it comes to internet access, I find it has been better for me to get a Hotspot through my phone provider (in this case Verizon), it seems to work much better (and is cheaper than trying to access the WiFi at the truckstop & better reception).
Hope this helps you some.
The Verizon Hotspot is something I'll DEFINITELY look into. Thanks. I have a Galaxy tab already just no internet, except the little data with my Verizon prepaid phone.
I'm finding that I've been playing a lot more Hay Day recently...
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You can store DVDs on a media storage device that can be hooked to a screen. You don't necessarily need a television. A 21 inch flat screen computer monitor with an HDMI hookup serves as my television and it was cheaper than a TV of the same specs. There's something called a Roku stick which is a bit bigger than a thumb drive and it goes into the HDMI. Requires Wi-Fi though. Kindles are good, lots of free books at random and books on sale. Steam for a PC or Mac that can run games, they have sales constantly and lots of cool games that show up on sale. I think if I have a laptop I will never get bored. My laptop is just a cheap $200 HP but, it does what I need (when it's in a good mood :P) Take up excercising at stops if you don't already, that'll eat up maybe an hour or something. You could selectively develop an obsession with cleaning the truck and picking all the bugs out of the grill (
Dispatcher, Fleet Manager, Driver Manager
The primary person a driver communicates with at his/her company. A dispatcher can play many roles, depending on the company's structure. Dispatchers may assign freight, file requests for home time, relay messages between the driver and management, inform customer service of any delays, change appointment times, and report information to the load planners.