Swift Academy - Memphis Tennesse 7/11/15

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Errol V.'s Comment
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I enjoy reading your diary. I am starting tomorrow myself and know a little of what to expect now. They are bringing my husband on as a mentor to train me after the academy. I'm anxious and nervous.

Unknown Territory. Go ahead & have those feelings, but 97% of people who do get behind the wheel on an 18 wheeler eventually have no problem guiding that beast down the highway.

Remember when you first started driving a dinky li'l car? Same thing.


Hours Of Service

HOS refers to the logbook hours of service regulations.
David L.'s Comment
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Hang in there! I went through Memphis/Millington last January...the new setup is much nicer...the motel in Millington really sucked but Walmart and Kroger were nearby. I've been in and out of the terminal several times the last few months but haven't seen Tony or any of my instructors. The goal at the academy is to get you prepared to pass the skills part of your state exam. Road training will get you ready, sort of, for the road test in your state and you will continue to work on skills. One note: if you have a decent mentor the first thing you'll change is how you setup your alley dock! The only advice I can give is suck it up and stick it out...being on the road will NOT necessarily br easier...running team since March I've personally logged nearly 85000 miles...we feel lucky to get 2-3 showers in a three week run! The pay is good but the lifestyle can be pretty grueling. Good luck.


A facility where trucking companies operate out of, or their "home base" if you will. A lot of major companies have multiple terminals around the country which usually consist of the main office building, a drop lot for trailers, and sometimes a repair shop and wash facilities.

Cherity H.'s Comment
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Well I got sent home last Monday because my temporary license would expire before I graduated. Because they are backed up on third party testers for Alabama they plan on sending us to a school in Athens, Alabama after we are done in Memphis. Leaving out Sunday for another try. On a brighter note, while I was at home waiting on my license to come in the company that my husband currently drives for offered to pay back my tuition if he would stay with them. So I will be attending the academy but do not plan to drive for Swift. They will train my husband to mentor me as well.

Errol V.'s Comment
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Cherity, sounds like you're all set up!

My one piece of advice, as if you haven't run across this here: You will get frustrated with the backing exercises. Figuring out where the rear end of the trailer will go is a learned art. Patience and Practice will be the things you need to use the most.

Jarod(Red)'s Comment
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You had to pay for the exam??!!! That's crazy, Swift should have covered that cost. I went to Swift/Central school in West Valley, Utah and everything was paid for.

Cherity H.'s Comment
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Cherity, sounds like you're all set up!

My one piece of advice, as if you haven't run across this here: You will get frustrated with the backing exercises. Figuring out where the rear end of the trailer will go is a learned art. Patience and Practice will be the things you need to use the most.

You were right. I got very frustrated and started to doubt myself and how bad I wanted this. I failed my skills the first day and literally cried. I called my husband and he talked me down so I went in the next day determined. I passed that day. Got sent to Decatur to do my road training. I failed my DMV test the first try with the same problems(the 90). Tried 2 days later and I now officially have my CFL's. You definitely have to be determined and focused. It doesn't come easy.


Dispatcher, Fleet Manager, Driver Manager

The primary person a driver communicates with at his/her company. A dispatcher can play many roles, depending on the company's structure. Dispatchers may assign freight, file requests for home time, relay messages between the driver and management, inform customer service of any delays, change appointment times, and report information to the load planners.


Department of Motor Vehicles, Bureau of Motor Vehicles

The state agency that handles everything related to your driver's licences, including testing, issuance, transfers, and revocation.

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