When shopping for a truck driving school in Illinois, smart students do their research. We always let students know that Eagle Training Services Inc schools are certified by the Illinois Secretary of State, we're proud of it. Not every CDL training school is certified by the Secretary of State so it's important you ask the admission coordinator at the school or you can download a current list right off the Illinois SOS website.
The Secretary of State has expectations for their certified schools. All schools must have their curriculum approved by the state and all instructors must teach per that curriculum, they can't just do as they please. The hours for training must be approved by the state and logged on time sheets. These time sheet records are indispensable and are filed at the school always ready for an audit from the state. It is the job of the state to monitor state certified schools and enforce that students are receiving the proper training for the logged amount of hours. Secretary of State Certified schools do not monitor themselves, they are responsible and held accountable by the auditing system of Illinois SOS officials.
Secretary of State Certified schools also have Certified Instructors. All instructors must have a minimum of 3 years experience, (Eagle instructors have more than 15 years), in the trucking industry. No felonies or DUIs. All instructors must have their driving records pre-approved by the state, receive a minimum of 40 hours instructor training, forgo a background check that includes fingerprinting, submit and pass a DOT physical and drug screen, pass a written exam and lastly, pass the three skills tests that are given to every student testing for their CDL-A. Instructors that do not meet any of the above criteria will not be certified and can not instruct for a SOS Certified school.
Secretary of State Certified schools have on-site testing. This means that state examiners will come out to the school and test students on the three skills test right at the school in the same yard students have been practicing in and on the same routes they've been driving. (This familiarity for the students gives them an advantage with their final testing).
State approved curriculum, SOS monitored and audited, experienced and certified instructors and on-site testing are great reasons to enroll in an Illinois Secretary of State Certified School.